Exchange Ideas , Share Knowledges


DSC_0207 3Assalamu'alaikum. I appreciate you taking times out of your busy schedule to "talk" with me. Before we get too deep, let me introduce myself. My name's Ragil Rudi Priyanto, S.Si. My official facebook account is Ragil Rudi Priyanto. I'm from Cilacap, but moved to Bandung a few years ago on a studying at BaKoDai, Ganeca 10 (ITB). And now, my daily activities are teaching Physics, Chemistry, Science, and Electric-Electronics Engineering at VHS Telkom Schools Purwokerto, then as a team-manager government program activities.

Why do I blog? Like many people, I started blogging to keep in touch with friends and family. Since then it has really become a place for me to practice my writing and put it in front of real live people (before that it was all in books made of paper that stay on my shelves) and to connect with like-minded souls of which, it seems, there are many. That’s what I love about the internet.

I was so excited that now I got many friends. If you have the same thinking as mine, and look like me, then we can use our relationships as a tool to make tens or even millions of Rupiah from our "business".

The contents of this blog will be mainly in English and Indonesian languages. Well, so if you have some free time, just visit and give comments or whatever freely. Hope that you can enjoy and get benefits from this blog.

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